Man Up Rule #22: If you're not a professional wrestler, professional cyclist, super hero, speed skater, or an American Gladiator then spandex is not an acceptable look on a man. As you can see it doesn't matter if you're muscular or fat it's still not a good look.

Man Up Rule #23: I know we all like wearing comfortable socks, especially if we're just lounging around. But men must still be conscious of the types of socks they wear and the colors in them. So when in doubt all black or all white socks are always acceptable.

Man Up Rule #24: Specifically on black men the blond (Image 1) and or platinum (Image 2) color for your hair is absolutely not appropriate. We have no clue as to why women let R&B singer Sisqo get away with it for so long (perhaps because he was talking about a thong, even though he never said who was wearing it *hint, hint*), but he never got a pass from us men. However, Dennis Rodman (Image 3) does get a pass: Anyone that can Rebound like that can wear his hair in any color he wishes. (And we all know Dennis Rodman does just that).



Finally, this is not a rule but we want to leave you with this. Word on the street is that apparently some of you have not been paying attention, and are clearly not abiding by the rules. Now please take a long look at the image below. A "man" that one of us knows felt like it was appropriate to wear these bracelets. Have you not been paying attention?? This is not a Game!! Man Up!! Nuff Said...

To Be Continued...
Brothers' Perspective
--Driza Dre--
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