Man Up Rule #31: As a man you should generally avoid certain professions. It doesn't matter how much money you can make doing them. For instance, Women's Hair Dresser (Image 1), Women's Fashion Designer (Image 2), Professional Dancer (Image 3).



Man Up Rule #32: Rapper Skillz made a comment in one of his songs "you look suspect button up that shirt!" New rule no more than 2 buttons undone on your shirt. Anything more than 2 well as Skillz said you look suspect.

(Jerry Rice)

Man Up Rule #33: The Man Bag (Image 1 & 2) or Man Purse (aka Murse) is really not appropriate. Typically a man should never be carrying more than he can fit in his pockets and or wallet anyway. If for some reason you have more stuff than your pockets can carry then get a book bag. Only exceptions are if you're holding weight (Image 3 Duffel Bag Boy), or if you're Jack Bauer from 24 (Image 4) and you're saving the world.

(Image 1 -Terrance Howard)

(Image 2 - Robert Downy Jr.)

(Image 3- Playas Circle)
(Image 4-Jack Bauer)
To Be Continued...
Brothers' Perspective
--Driza Dre--
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