Man UP Rule #1: Two men can not share the same bed even if they are related. Whether you kickbox, arm wrestle, or play rock/paper/scisscors to see who gets the bed is up to you. But if there is a couch, chair, cot, hammock, lawn chair, or space on the floor available one must take the alternative.
Man Up Rule #2: A Man is not to ride on the back of a motorcycle or scooter ever whether a man or woman is driving, but especially not when a man is driving.
Man Up Rule #3: When using a public restroom urinal, your eyes are to remain either straight ahead staring at the wall or up at the ceiling above. But your eyes should never wander, and once you've handled your business quickly zip up, turn around and proceed to wash your hands.
Man Up Rule #4: If your wife or girlfriend drives a car that has vanity license plates that read something similar to the image below you are not to drive that car unless it is a dire emergency. Other examples of vanity plates:

Man Up Rule #5: If by any chance you are looking across a crowded room and make direct eye contact with another man your only 2 options are to either look away quickly or give the universal "brotha man" head-nod.

Man Up Rule #6: The fanny pack never was and never will be an acceptable fashion statement!

Man up Rule #7: The banana is a fruit that should only be eaten when you break it up or slice it. It is never to be eaten whole! This rule also applies to lollipops, Popsicles, and anything that can resemble... Well you get the point.

Brothers' Perspective
You crazy for this one, but i whole heartedly agree with the banana rule. I went to bruch with a dude and he shoved the entire banana in his mouth. Mofo can teahc me a thing or two about deep throat. WTF Needless to say i got my check and left.
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