I know I'm not the only one who feels this way, but I love being an American. I'm sure at some point during the day, you may have heard one or several somebodies speak to the orderly and peaceful transition of power in the United States. Well all I have to say is THANK GOD. I mean, elections are hard enough. I couldn't imagine living in a country in which the only means of "Regime Change" would be through the plotting and scheming of the current President's demise. Nor the fact that merely speaking out against that current President could get you jailed or killed. I know that when this country was formed, the founding fathers didn't quite bestow the complete status that I now enjoy as a Black Man in America, but I still have to thank them for their enduring wisdom as to how we cycle through our elected leaders.

And now to the true purpose of this blog. I want to state that I am awe struck by President Obama and his beautiful family. I know that normally when you see well to do black families, sometimes you say that they're bourgeoisie, but that's never even crossed my mind when I've seen the Obama family. And during these inauguration festivities, the thought that really comes to mind is elegant. Not that I've never seen it before, but I honestly felt that I saw the very best of black people today. I really felt that the ceiling on how high we can rise has officially been removed. Hell, its really been blown off. And now the sky's the limit.
So with that being said, I want to make an announcement. To support our current President, and honor both him, and my own black heritage, I will no longer be using the N-word. Yes I said it, I will no longer be using it. I just feel that we should officially move up into a higher status in the world. And words like that only bind us to our unflattering past. I mean, in today's day and age you're 1,245,632 times more likely to be called the N-word by someone black as you are someone white. (Nothing scientific in my numbers, just my own personal estimate). That's a serious problem. I know that we've come up with clever acronyms and explained that using the words just reduces its power, but let's be honest everyone, as long as we're using it, it still has the same power that it held before. The only difference is that we use it now to disparage each other. And I can no longer condone myself partaking of the continued use of the word. Please don't mistake me, I don't judge anyone else who may continue using it. And I don't want to appear holier than thou, I am not. I am making a personal choice, and I just want to broadcast it to the people who, whether they agree or disagree, read my many different musings. For a further understanding of why I've made this choice, listen to "The Experience" by my man Cee-lo of the Goodie Mob.
So that's it people. A quick recap of what I found interesting about this glorious day. I pray that President Obama finds success during his term in office. And may we all grow from this experience.
Update: Though I know I said I wasn't going to use the word, a conversation I had with my brother pulled it out of me. I know its gonna be hard, but since my man took office, I've only used it once. Once in the first 12 hours is not a bad start for me. There will be an ongoing tally in the top right hand of our blog. So check back for an update. Hopefully, I can stay at 1.
Okay I had to be the first to comment as I found out about this not using the "N" word upon reading this and had no prior knowledge.
I wanted to start off by saying "N" please. But I will support your decision bro. And will make an effort to limit mines when speaking with you. But I make no promises. LoL.
lol.. is saying Negro ok? i might give up the word too. even though i only use it when drinking.
Forget Aretha's hat, I couldn't understand a word she sung.. lol
I watched CNN for about 12 hours straight, it was awesome! Congrats on trying not to say the "n" word. You can do it!! It may take time but you will learn you can lead a normal life with that useless word out of your mouth. but lol @ C-Recks for saying "N" please!! He was wrong for that but it was pretty funny still! Sorry, I'm just sayin...
oh yeah and the hat thing was pretty extreme!! lol!
One thing you can do is start an "N word" Money Jar. You can add whatever desired amount you choose to the jar each time you use the "N-Word", just to allow practice and discipline...just a thought!
I too, like to keep the the word retired, but it's hard. So, I say it's on the shelf. Cause sometimes, I may have to pull it off the shelf and dust it off from time to time, LOL!
Good start trying not to use the N word. I had to kill it from my vocab for the most part because my daughter is a mocking bird. The first time she said "damn it" at the dinner table I knew I was a gonner. So I've toned my language in general down a notch.
And just two side notes on the inauguration
a) Aretha sounded just as bad live as on tv.
b)What they showed in terms of crowd was only a fraction of it--I was in that mess first hand. But surprisingly enough it was pretty organized chaos. I give props to my city-- they handled it very well.
Good look with that. I made a conscience decision not to use the word a few years ago. One of my friends made a good point, there are so many other words that can be used, just have to expand your vocabulary. One book I found very interesting was "Nigger" by Randall Kennedy. He does not say rather you should use the word or not, but just gives you some historical context of the word and some arguments for and against it. Good luck with your decision.
I am very proud to be an American who is proud of their President for once.
Mayne, Aretha is in that age bracket and is on that diva level to justify her serious head game. Leave Re-Re alone, lol. I don't think that she sounded that great though, so that hat was rather entertaining.
LOL @ "N" please. I shall join you on this journey.
Okay, lots to say... First and foremost, yes, I hear you... how do you not watch all of that yesterday and not cry with pride? Pride for us, those of us that live here. Our country. Proud to be an American.
And yes, the Obama's are a very beautiful and down to earth (it seems) family. I think they represent the US very well with such a beautiful family.
I also love the fact that he was so nervous and stumbled in the beginning of the oath, makes him human, ya know?
Arethas hat, yeah, my thoughts exactly.
Your lack of the N word, good for you.
Let's give credit where it's due...I was happy Ms. Ree had a coat on and didn't expose her torpedoes...lol.
No problem burying the N word...again...there are plenty of other words I can use...hehe.
ROFL @ C-Recks!
I was ecstatic and a lil teary eyed. I thought that as 22 year old black male I would never see a black president, but Look at God. Aretha sang beautifully especially for it to be cold. I commend you on not using the "N" word. My girl gets on my case for that word. I'm happy for Pres. Obama and I bid him and Mrs. Obama God's speed.
good blog !!!
how r u my friend
peace lover from Indonesia
good future for friendship all over the world
invite my blog and plz give ur comment
I commend you on your decision not to use the N-word anymore, I never found it a flattering word to begin with, and to be honest, most of the time, it sounds very odd coming out of my mouth… anyways, I do agree with you about the perception of the Obamas, they seem to be a well-grounded family, who haven’t let their fame, power, money or influence get to their heads, and I pray that they stay that way… I watched the inauguration from London at about 5pm in the afternoon, and I’d never been so proud to be an American… cause at that moment that history was being made right in front of my eyes, it truly felt like the US was on its way towards making progress… ~DD
Was glued to the tv like the rest of the world...history books will be filled with Mr Obama's entry into the white house...
Mehn..Aretra's hat was just too spooky for words..i nearly fell off my chair laughing when i saw her...
New here..will come bk laters
I will commit to no longer using the N word as well...although I hardly used it in the first place which means it should be an easy task.
Aretha's hat....damn, black people!
love this blog! this is like the first time that i can honestly say that i am a proud American. Obama was just sworn into office and he's already making things happen [the salary freeze]. i have a lot of faith in this president.
Great Post and RE Re's (Aretha's) Hat was a hot mess...lol
CanI just add, that i Love me some Michelle Obama. I am so happy to have a beautiful, strong, intelligent sista as our first Lady. Go Michelle!!!
Happy Thursday From Cold Chicago, IL Peeps:-)
I saw Aretha's hat and thought it was ridiculous. When will the gaudy, "first lady" church hats phase end? Goodness...
Since I was on vacation I was able to watch the entire inauguration. CNN had great coverage. I'm not sure if I was alone, but I was holding my breath when President Obama and Michelle got out of their car and walked in the parade! I was just praying that nothing would happen...and thank God it didn't. I think everyone had to let out a huge sigh of relief when they got back in the car.
I'm also agree with you on being proud to be an American and seeing this awesome example of a black family. I think that so many times in the media, hell...in our everyday lives or those of friends, we see incomplete black families..drama...unstable situations. Then you get the other extreme of a successful black man with his white/hispanic/fill in the blank trophy wife. It's refreshing to see a grounded, beautiful couple. They can finally serve as an example for people around the world and black people in the US to see. Nobody can say that they've never seen love, etc. It's really a wonderful thing.
I'm kind of on a rant...but aren't his daughters the most adorable kids you've ever seen? Gosh, everytime I see them I think "where can I order mine?" lol...
As for the "N" word...Umm, I don't use it that regularly in my conversation but I feel where you're coming from on just stepping up our game all around.
I think I'm going to try not to use it as well. We need to use this time to elevate us as a people. To strive to be better. Now we really have no excuse... granted this isn't going to aleviate racism or make anything any more equal but it does give us hope that when we are so dynamic the world can deny us no matter what our background.
lol @ c recks..
i totally get ur point..i watched some videos yesterday of jay-z and young jeezy freestyling about obama's victory, passing disparaging comments. yea, i know they r extremely happy, this has to be the greatest thing that has happened in history but i dont think it warrants such statemements as "no more white lies, my president is black" or somn like that..i hope u've seen the videos so it doesnt seem like im rambling..lol..it has caused quite a stir..
I commend u on ur decision. While I dont use it often...I still will be usin it..but more power to u:)
dang..........and I try not to use that word but sometimes "N" be trying me....haha
'N' where you been .....stop neglecting me....
I am also attempting to eliminate this...I don't really use it except when making fun of other people...which happens a lot.
My husband and I had a punch system in effect regarding the word...one of us would punch the other in the arm. In retrospect we probably should have done quarters or dimes, lol.
Aretha, her hat...can't nan one of us tell her shit. She knows it too.
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